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Tooth Sensitivity Tips
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
Tooth sensitivity has various causes. The most common reason is the exposed root which is exposed due to the recession of the gum. There are many factors which lead to sensitive teeth.
Causes of Sensitive Teeth
Over brushing: Brushing hardly and that too for a long time can cause the wearing off of the enamel and exposure of dentin to stimulus such as hot, cold, sweet food etc. This will lead to sensitive teeth.
Gum recession or any other game disease: Inflammation of the gums b...more
Causes of Sensitive Teeth
Over brushing: Brushing hardly and that too for a long time can cause the wearing off of the enamel and exposure of dentin to stimulus such as hot, cold, sweet food etc. This will lead to sensitive teeth.
Gum recession or any other game disease: Inflammation of the gums b...more
169 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 2 years ago• Featured Tip
General Physician•Lucknow
हम में से कई लोगों को मीठा खाना बेहद पसंद होता है। वो दिन भर में कई बार मीठी चीज़ें खाए बिना रह नहीं पाते। हर बार खाना खाने के बाद इन्हें कुछ मीठा खाना ही होता है। ये इस बात के संकेत हो सकते हैं कि आपकी मीठा खाने की आदत आपकी लत भी हो सकती है। चीनी किसी भी रूप में हो ये न केवल आपका वज़न बढ़ाती है आपके हृदय रोग और टाइप 2 मधुमेह के जोखिम को भी बढ़ाती है। यहां तक कि अधिक चीनी का सेवन करने से कैंसर के लिए भी आपके जोखिम को बढ़ा सकती है। चीनी की लत होना कोई मज़ाक की बात नहीं है। चीन...more
1493 people found this helpful
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Often we are caught by a piercing pain that shoots through the roots of our teeth right up to our cranial region, at fairly unsuspecting moments. The pain can either cause momentary discomfort or end up being excruciating and difficult to bear. Rushing to the dentist is usually the only recourse left for us to take at such times. Most of such complaints meet the same verdict, that of, sensitive tooth . The problem of sensitive tooth has emerged as one of the most recurring and prevailing dental...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Often we are caught by a piercing pain that shoots through the roots of our teeth right up to our cranial region, at fairly unsuspecting moments. The pain can either cause momentary discomfort or end up being excruciating and difficult to bear. Rushing to the dentist is usually the only recourse left for us to take at such times. Most of such complaints meet the same verdict, that of, sensitive tooth . The problem of sensitive tooth has emerged as one of the most recurring and prevailing dental...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
A root canal is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth. The procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp), cleaning and disinfecting it and then filling and sealing it. The common causes affecting the pulp are a cracked tooth, a deep cavity, repeated dental treatment to the tooth or trauma. The term "root canal" comes from cleaning of the canals inside the tooth's root.
Millions of teeth are treated and saved each year with root canal, or...more
Millions of teeth are treated and saved each year with root canal, or...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Often we are caught by a piercing pain that shoots through the roots of our teeth right up to our cranial region, at fairly unsuspecting moments. The pain can either cause momentary discomfort or end up being excruciating and difficult to bear. Rushing to the dentist is usually the only recourse left for us to take at such times. Most of such complaints meet the same verdict, that of, sensitive tooth . The problem of the sensitive tooth has emerged as one of the most recurring and prevailing de...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Nobody is happy with their teeth and everybody wants whiter, brighter teeth. In the last few decades, tooth whitening is one of the most commonly done cosmetic dental procedures. Majority of these people are in the age of 10 to 25, who are very conscious about their looks.
What needs to be understood is that dental whitening is permissible to a certain extent. Not many people realize this and continue to use the tooth whiteners even after the desired result is achieved in an effort to get it...more
What needs to be understood is that dental whitening is permissible to a certain extent. Not many people realize this and continue to use the tooth whiteners even after the desired result is achieved in an effort to get it...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Dental problems can be very painful and take the smile off your face completely. Those who have experienced sensitivity would vouch for it. It just will not allow you to enjoy the hot coffee or a favourite sweet or a cold smoothie. The pain that shoots down the tooth after any of these would leave the person shuddering.
The tooth has 3 layers, from the outside in these are the enamel, the dentin and the pulp. The outermost enamel is mineralized and the hardest structure in the body. The...more
The tooth has 3 layers, from the outside in these are the enamel, the dentin and the pulp. The outermost enamel is mineralized and the hardest structure in the body. The...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Tooth sensitivity is a condition when the nerve endings in the teeth are overly sensitive to hold and cold conditions. Drinking and eating hot or cold food may cause a sharp pain in the tooth. A material called dentin, which is what makes up the inside of your tooth, is protected by the enamel in the crown and the cementum in the root of the tooth. In cases when the dentin loses its covering, teeth may be become sensitive.
Causes of sensitive teeth
1. Inflammation caused by bac...more
Causes of sensitive teeth
1. Inflammation caused by bac...more
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